My wife and I are back from our Holy Land vacation. We felt as safe there as we do in our own Bay Area of California. We traveled all over Israel and had a wonderful experience. We would encourage anyone who has been thinking about going but fearful of attacks to go. We had more crime while we were gone in our neighborhood than we saw or experienced our entire trip.
We are once again able to send out free keychains to any leader who sends us a list of names (first names only up to 9 letters) and include a return address where to send the personalized
keychains. We have sent out hundreds of keychains already to over 15 groups and congregations. Please limit your order to 20 names or less as we would like to offer this to as many congregations, voters assembly, bible study groups as possible.
For those of you who are new to the sight...perhaps some of you who have received the keychains could comment on how they were received so others are willing to take the time to put a list together and email it to us.
It is important to note that this SHAREBOARD site does not allow for anyone to charge for a service, so we have been blessed to be able to order the keychains, engrave each one individually, put them in an envelope or box, go to the post office, and pay for the postage
at no cost to you or your organization. All we ask for are your prayers going forward and these cross keychains being used to spread the gospel to everyone possible in some way.
Blessings to all of you, In HIM,
MIke & Mychelle Fitzgerald