We do have a welcome team. They're responsible for ensuring there are greeters at the outer door plus the groups I'm about to mention. We have people in the narthex that use iPads to check people in when they arrive. Never went back to the notepads after COVID. The iPads use Planning Center to record who came to church that day. If this group identifies you as a visitor, there's a handoff to the elder of the day who will then take the visitors to our welcome desk (new process for us). The individuals at the welcome desk will hand the visitors a few things about the church. One of those items is a card to record name, phone number, email, etc. The visitor should place that card in the offering plate or give it to someone from the church. The elders will then reach out to the visitor the following week.
How well does it work? Not sure yet. This process is fairly new. Maybe a couple of months old. Sometimes the elders have a card with contact info. Sometimes they don't. Some people are okay with the swarm and flurry of activity when they're recognized as a visitor. Others are not okay with it. You can see it in their face, or there's a lot of "no thank yous". It's an attempt to follow the marketing tactic of 7 touch points to get someone to do what you want which is one of the tactics from the church growth movement.
With the CEOs (Christmas and Easter only), the goal is to be engaging and warm. There are a dozen reasons why these Christians only come twice a year, but they're mostly familiar faces so we approach them a little differently. Ultimately, the Holy Spirit is in charge, so we're just trying to reflect the light of Christ in what we do and how we do it with both of these groups.
Jay Moore
Hope Lutheran Virginia Beach
Original Message:
Sent: 03-21-2024 02:08 PM
From: Dave Kuschel
Subject: Welcoming Visitors on Easter
Many churches will see new faces on Easter morning, or maybe people you've seen before but not for quite a while.
What role do lay leaders play in your congregation related to visitors? Do you have a welcome team? Do council members or Elders have a specific role? Do you follow up, and if so, how? What has worked for you, and what hasn't?
Thanks for sharing any thoughts you have with the community.
Dave Kuschel
Assistant Vice President, Communications
Concordia Plans
St. Louis MO
(314) 885-6725