All Leaders

  • 1.  Filling President Position

    Posted 05-20-2024 07:31 PM
    Good evening,
    I was wondering if any of your congregations have a problem filling the position of President and if so how do you get around that?  Do you have another way of organizing your leaders in the congregation to share duties?   Do you have a different system than the typical President, VP, Secretary, etc?   

  • 2.  RE: Filling President Position

    Posted 05-21-2024 08:30 AM

    Hi Janet, being the President can be a thankless job in the congregation for sure, so we basically start the process a full 12-15 months before they take that role.  So what does that look like?  We have a policy based governance system, and we have a Board of Servant Leaders with different roles.  Each member serves for 3 years (and they can stay for 2 of those 3-year terms).  The President is a position we rotate annually.

    - October we are looking for new Board members if we need them.
    - January we vote them into office at our annual Congregational meeting.
    - February we start talking with the Board (new and old members) about possible roles they could fill.  The most important conversation for us is finding a Vice President because the expectation is that they will become the next President.
    - Then in April we have a Board retreat that the new President runs (with the help of the exiting President), welcome the new members, adopt our new roles for the year, and then do all the future strategy stuff :)

    By starting the process early and making sure the expectation is only for one year, we seem to have better success getting folks to commit.   It's certainly not a silver bullet and getting volunteers to commit to leadership positions is always a challenge, but I hope that's helpful :) 

    *Not sure if it's helpful, but I can give you our Position Descriptions for the VP and Pres. if you want them.

    Ben Burge
    Senior Pastor