Call Day at our two LCMS seminaries is just one week away. Call Day in Fort Wayne is Tuesday, April 25, and in St. Louis it's Wednesday, April 26.
As many ministries will receive new pastors on those nights, we thought we'd post a question. Has your ministry received a newly called pastor in recent years? If so, how did you make him (and his family) feel welcome? Do you have any tips for ministries that will receive newly called pastors next week? What did you do to connect and maintain connection in the time between Call Day and the pastor's installation at your ministry?
This is such an exciting time for these servants of the Lord being called to their first ministries, but it's also a wonderful time for the ministries. God's blessings to all ministries that will receive newly called workers.
Dave Kuschel
Senior Director of Communications
Concordia Plans
St. Louis MO